Friday, January 25, 2008
So Josh and I have just started to potty train christian. He does really well for his babysitter, and she says that he hardly has any accidents. But when he gets home it's a totally different story. It's like we have to drag him to the bathroom(not literally). I've even bought him some stickers to praise him with after he goes! So, Wednesday we tried again twice after Josh and I got home from work. And I felt so bad because the first time he went I didn't even notice he went because he does this infamous "ALL DONE" and that usual means I don't want to try. So when we went back into the bathroom the second time I seen pee in his little toilet. What's funny is I went and asked Josh "did you pee in Christian's potty"(LOL) I was just shocked to see it. Anyways, we tried potting again and he went. He got his Dora sticker and Josh and I cheered like we were watching some sports game on the TV. It was a little funny to watch. Christian loved the praise though and I believe it's going to help him want to go.
Posted by Brandijo at 1:51 PM 1 comments